Monday, April 2, 2012


One of my favorite seasons is spring.  I love the spring because it represents renewal. The trees renew their blossoms, the flowers re bloom as well. We shed our heavy winter clothes for lighter clothes, but it's not quite too hot out!  It's as if nature is saying LET IT GO! Time to renew.

Well I'm telling you LET IT GO!, what are we letting go of?  Everything that is holding us back from blossoming into the fabulous women we were meant to be.

LET IT GO! past hurts and disappointments that continue to hold us back from moving forward.  Have you ever heard a tree say I'm not going to blossom this year because I wasn't as beautiful as the tree beside me? I know its silly but think about it.  Or have you ever met a child that refuse to grow because another child grew taller or faster.

It may seem silly but so does holding on to hurts for decades upon decades.  You say well I need closure from the person that hurt me.  Well guess what!  that person is not around so why continue to allow them to have that power of hurting you over and over again by not releasing that old hurt and moving forward.  

There is soooooooooooooooo much potential in you that is being blocked by your taking up space in your heart and in your life holding on to past disappointments, hurts and wounds.  What are you waiting for? LET IT GO!

How can you ask God to send you love when your holding on to the old love.  If we continued to pile food in our refrigerator without removing the old items, then eventually the fridge will not only be filled to capacity but I imagine it will start to smell.  Ewwwwwww! 

Today  April 2nd, 2012 Find a quiet place to go,  make peace with your mind, body and spirit by LETTING GO!

Hugs and Blessings, Diva Val