Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Before I begin let me make my disclaimer I am  not an excercise guru of any kind, nor am I a doctor or even a personal trainer.  I am just a woman on a journey and I would love to take everyone with me.  So I share as much of myself as possible.  I don't know much about yoga, but I have heard some good things about it in fact enough good things that I've been considering trying it.  Back in 2005 just before I moved to Virginia, I was in a serious car accident.  A driver ran a stop sign and it my car.  It hit my car so hard, it made my little car jump the curb and wedged into the hedges of a home.  The fire department had to cut me out of the vehicle.  Now the good news and believe it or not there is some good news to it!  I am still here. The not so good news is that I sustained several herniated disc which causes me pain and stiffness in my upper shoulders, neck and back.  The doctors told me there was nothing that could be done, it's something I will have to live with it. So I have really thought about trying it. 

I read a great article from Heart and Soul magazine that list some of the benefits of Yoga.  No matter what you choose to do studies have confirmed that people who exercise tend to live longer.  Excercise has not only caused people to loose weight but it has also helped people who are on medications become free of medication.

So ladies it's time to find our stride, with some sort of exercise be it, walking, running, zumba, weight training etc.  A healthy body is a happy, sexy body!
Hugs and Blessings, Val

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