Friday, April 20, 2012


Let's just cut right to the chase! Are you happy with the image you see in the mirror?  There is soooooo much mixed information regarding women's body image.  The fashion industry for years would have us believe that to be beautiful you needed to look like a candidate for feed the children.  On top of that we needed to have straight hair and blue eyes (clutch the pearls) oh no she didn't! Yes I said it. LOL as time goes on things are changing.  We still have a ways to go but I can see a lot more women in the fashion industry that resemble me an African American woman than we would have seen years ago.  What is even more beautiful is we are seeing more and more woman embrace their natural beauty from head to toe.  Now don't get me wrong, I love make up just as much as the next diva, but make up or not if you're not comfortable in your own natural skin makeup won't change a thing.

Recently there was a story on aol news stating that African American women had more confidence in their bodies than our counterparts well duh!  There's an old expression that says don't nothing want a bone but a dog!  What we were naturally born with, people are paying top dollar to have. Lips full of collegen, booty implants, breast implants, etc.

So if you are not happy with your body image you need to do something to change that. No one or nothing can make you feel better about your body. I've shared my story of having gastric bypass surgery, part of the reason was I was so unhappy with my body and my image, the bigger reason however was I didn't want my parents to loose another child due to a heart attach which is how we lost my only sister at the tender age of 40.

At the time of my surgery I was exactly 100lbs over weight that was ridiculous! At 5'4 I had no business walking around with all that extra weight and I was miserable, tired and in pain physcially, emotionally and mentally.

We all sang and swayed when Michael J. encouraged us to change the world by starting with the Man in the mirror.

Today I am healthy and definitely happier. I like the woman I see in the mirror and when I don't I do what I feel I need to change things until I am happy.

In this second stage of my life, I am very happy with my body. I love my natural hair, my full lips, the curve of my hips. I'm not starving myself so I can look like a starving woman from a third world country wearing juicy couture!

Val's Fashion Friday Fav!  Ladies if you don't want or can't afford to buy retail store brand makeup there is a great lower cost makeup line called Milani. You can find the brand in your local cvs, walgreens and walmart stores. It's beautiful makeup at a fraction of the cost of designer name brand makeup.

Hugs and Blessings, Val

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