Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Last week I had the privilege of going home to NY to visit my family.  I got to spend time with a relative I love like a sister.  We were having a conversation trying to play catch up and share what we have been going through lately.  When I shared with her that I had recently lost my job she said to me, "how do you have so much peace and calm" You see, as I was telling her some of the test and trials I had and was presently going through, I was smiling. I have FINALLY gotten to a place where I can smile in the midst of my trials. Now don't get me wrong I hurt and cry and question why like anyone one else.  What I've finally learned is to ENJOY MY JOURNEY. No matter what's going on in your life;  What's going to happen WILL happen. You can moan and groan your way through life or you can say THANK YOU LORD for another day to be greater than yesterday.  The following weekend I spent with my niece and my great nephew, who is 6 months old. I love spending time with my family. My niece and I went to service at her church. After service, we stopped at a local drug store.  As I was paying for my purchase the cashier complimented me on my nails.  She went on to tell me how after becoming very ill, having surgery and being on medication her nails became soft,weak and broke off.  I said to her "treat yourself". She looked at me like she was having a light bulb moment. She then stated she still has pain at times from her surgery and might get a massage.  I encouraged her to do so, because she deserved it. Now you maybe wondering how I would know she deserves it.  The fact that she got up out of her bed and came into work instead of feeling sorry for herself, to me, meant she deserved a good massage. I wish I had encouraged her to enjoy her journey.

Clearly as individuals, everyone's journey won't be the same. Some journeys will have more twist and turns than others.   Some people have a desire to travel abroad, while others would like to travel too the next State over.  Wherever your journey may lead you, ENJOY YOUR JOURNEY.  If you don't like the road you are traveling on, then change courses. If you were taking a trip and realize your were heading in the wrong direction would you continue on? So if you can't enjoy your journey because negative, stifling, painful situations are going on. It's time to make some changes so you too can enjoy your journey.

For all of you lovely Ladies who ARE enjoying your journey, don't loose that joy.

It is a fabulous feeling, a blessing and a joy to be able to ENJOY YOUR JOURNEY.

Hugs and Blessings, Val

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