Friday, December 24, 2010


Aww my darlin Sista friends, time is quickly winding down and before you know it will we will be in a brand new year.  I recently took a quick trip home to NewYork to visit my family. While I was there, I got a craving for a NY staple some good ole white castles.  Now I have eaten this relatively cheap treat for years, but for some reason things did not turn out like it normanly does. After eating the tasty mini burgers I became so sick it was unreal.  At one point I thought I might have to go to the ER I was feeling so bad.  After drinking two cups of  hot tea and a few tums, I started feeling a tad bit better.  But the experience made me realize that this was the END OF AN ERA no more of the cute little burgers for me. Now the fact that I had enjoyed that food since I can remember meant nothing other than it's time to make a change.  In fact my coming to the conclusion that I can no longer eat that food means the END of an ERA.  Some of us need to come to the same conclusion things, need to change in our lives.  I know your mama and her mama did it that way but it doesn't mean it's working for you.  Yes you've been with that Man for years, but for years you have struggled, fought, disagreed and none of it for the good.  You are no better off today than you were 10 years ago.  Now I'm not telling anyone to leave their Husband, S.O. (significant other) or the likes;  what I am saying is sometimes it comes to a point where you have to recognize when it's time to close the chapter on something to start a new one.  Some of the most historic and popular locations, stores etc. after so many years realize things and times change and they have to make a change that may include ending the chapter.  I was so surprised and somewhat saddend when a very large popular high end store called Fortunoff's in New York closed.  That was the End of an Era for not just New Yorkers but people from around the world.  Within the next few days before we ring in the new year, I want you to think about your life now.  Are there things that you know have been going on for years that have not been beneficial to you and your family?  Are there some things that need to come to an end so that you can begin anew?

You want to be loved and have someone in your life who will appreciate the fabulous Diva that you are, but that love can't enter your life because you keep letting that same trifling tired, joker in and out of your life.  Blocking your blessing. Well my diva it's time to come to the END OF AN ERA.

What is the end of an era for you?  If you went to a buffet to have dinner, and you had food sitting on your plate that had turned cold and stale, the restauratnt brought out hot fresh food.  would you take that same plate with the cold food on it to get the fresh hot food? No you would get a new plate. 

There's a passage of bible scripture that says: Matthew 9:16,17 NIV

No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch will pull away from the garment, making the tear worse.

Neither do men pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined.  No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are perserved.

Are you ready to come to THE END OF AN ERA.

Be blessed always, Diva Val

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