Friday, January 14, 2011


THANK GOD for GPS, the best invention since the toaster and microwave. lol ok since light.  For anyone who was living the same spastic life like me who had the great propensitiy to get lost this is the greatest invention EVER!.  What makes it so great is not only will it get you to your desitnation; when your a special Chile like me, who still manages to miss a turn here and there it says loudly RECALCULATING.  That got me to thinking how many times, has life situations had you recalculating.  The beauty of that is ultimately you arrive at your destination safe and sound.  So what I  am saying is relax sometimes you do have to take a detour whether it's planned or not,  If you have faith know that ultimately you arrive at your destination.  Trust that God knows and is directing your purpose (route) we may miss a turn in life maybe in our career choices. Life will have you RECALCULATE.  A failed relationship? RECALCULATING. Children grown and moved out and your home alone, or it's just you and the husband? RECALCULATING.  Now there are no distractions keeping you and hubby from getting re-aquainted. RECALCULATING.  That spare bedroom can now become an office for your new in home business.  RECALCULATING.  So the next time you hear the word RECALCULATING think of it as another way to arrive at a beautiful place.

Be Blessed Always, Diva Val

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