Monday, January 10, 2011


Here we are in the second week of the new year, what have you done for yourself lately?  You've set your goals for the year, or you made your resolutions but have you taken any active steps toward achieving those goals or keeping that resolution?  The holiday's are over, have you had a healthy low fat meal?  Have you started exercising, walking, running, weight training anything? Have you cleared your fridge or cabinets of items that would sabatoge your plans.  Or are you sitting around still talking about what you will do for this new year.  Are you discouraged already?  Well my dears how can I say this.  SUCK IT UP! You can sit around flapping your gums as much as you want but that won't get you anywhere in the words of a great expression TALK IS CHEAP!  So stop talking about it and be about it.  Come on get up.  Let's get to it and with it.  This will be one of our greatest years EVER.  Don't just talk about it BE ABOUT IT.

be blessed Always, Diva Val


  1. I AM talking about it AND being about it. I started my Daniel Fast on January 3 and I am 10 days into it (thank you Jesus). One modification when I got a horrible cold - ate chicken soup for 2 days, then right back to the fruits, veggies & water ONLY! The prayers have become amazing and I am gaining more faith. I am proud to say I have lost 14 pounds since this past August and I intend to persevere to where & what I want to be. So I am standing with you to encourage others - LET'S DO IT!

  2. Lynn not only am I sooooooooooo happy for you and proud of you. Thank you so much for responding to the post and sharing your story, this is why I continue to do this. I love you my sister and I know that not only will you be successful I can't wait to hear the good report. So LET'S DO IT!
