Monday, February 21, 2011


Picture yourself doing things that truly make you happy, traveling, business, education etc.  Picture your children being successful, productive adults instead of the sometimes moody adolescent draining you with request of what they need, want or don't want to do. Picture yourself in a loving, committed relationship.  Picture yourself being that person you know and believe God has purposed you to be.  Take a couple of minutes, hours or just a day to reflect on some of your dreams and goals,  If there was nothing standing in your way and you could be doing something different from what you are currently doing in a career or in a job what would you be doing.  If money was no object what would you be doing.  Just Picture It.  Picture yourself being financially secured.  Would it be from your current job or career, or will you be relying on social security.  Picture your life as a retiree.  Picture your second half.  Picture that book you've been dreaming about writing.  Picture that dream wedding or trip abroad that dream vacation.  Picture that dream honeymoon.  Picture that dream party celebrating with family and friends the purchase of your new home.  Go on picture it! down to the last detail.  Are you bold enough to start a book or vision board on those things you've dreamed about?  There is an expression that says a picture is worth a thousand words.  Well what's your picture saying?   Are you letting your current picture of life determine your future picture.  An Artist starts with a blank canvas.  With imagination, vision, and the necessary tools, what starts off as a blank canvas becomes a beautiful vision.  So PICTURE THIS! It doesn't cost you a dime to dream.  It is totally free for you to set goals.  With vision, imagination and perserverance you can turn your canvas (your life) into a beautiful picture. 

Be blessed, Diva Val

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