Monday, February 20, 2012


Well Ladies I'm back with a vengeance!  Having recently ended a relationship, a good friend of mine called to check on me to see how I was doing.  I shared with her how I was feeling not just about the relationship, but the disappointment in myself for allowing something I knew was not working for me to go on as long as it had.  She shared with me this scenario she said her Pastor's wife told them "if it is raining and you are driving, eventually you drive out of the rain storm".  I said to my friend, WOW that's a great subject/title to my next blog. My friend, I'll call her Ms. J said "If you are driving in a rain storm or even under a rain cloud you don't stop your car.  Neither will you turn around to go back into the rain.  If you continue to drive on and forward, eventually you drive out of the rain. When Ms. J asked me what am I going to do when the rain comes?  I cheerfully replied, I'm going to drive out of the rain and when I come out, I'm gonna open the sun roof and let the windows down and bask in the sun light.  So ladies, yes you've been hurt and or you've experience a loss. Don't stay in the rain, keep moving, keep driving, keep walking eventually you come out of the rain into the sunshine.  You've survived loss of love ones, loss of a job, loss of a career, loss of relationships, loss of finances etc, and guess what? you survived;  You kept moving and you made it out from the rain.  Hold on! there will be other storms, but just as you have survived other storms you'll survive the ones yet to come.

Hugs and Kisses, Val


  1. Welcome back! Good start to being back - sorry for your disappointment but happy for your perserverance. The sun DOES shine again, ever so brightly. Praise God for protecting us from outselves, sometimes, LOL.

  2. Thanks, Drin so much for not only commenting but for you unwavering support. If I can encourage at least one person I'm happy and yes PRAISE God for protecting us from ourselves.
